Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Subscribe and Save

My sister-in-law introduced me to's subscribe and save program. For many of their items that you use on a regular basis, you can sign up for a standing order to be automatically sent to your house. Not only is this program SUPER convenient, shipping is free and you even get a discount on your product! So how does this tie in to gluten-free? Well, amazon also offers loads of gluten-free products.

Here's an example of how this works for me. I'm a total breakfast person. There's two things I need within 20 minutes of waking up: food and coffee. I might as well go back to bed and try again if I fail. I had several easy breakfast meals before. Bagels oatmeal, cereal, granola-- also read gluten, gluten, gluten, gluten... So I was on the hunt for a "normal" gluten-free cereal and found Chex. Chex are awesome and normal people (my husband) eat them too! A box of Chex in the local Giant Eagle is about 4 bucks. With subscribe and save, I get 6 boxes of chocolate Chex delivered once a month for under $15 without having to go to the store! Yeah. For reals.

I also get some hard to find products like gluten-free flours and whatnot. What a great idea, both for Amazon and me! Check it out.

PS- I also use it for normal things like deodorant.